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Archaeologists Have Used Drone Footage To Reveal New Details Of An Ancient Roman City In Italy

Drone footage reveals new details of ancient Roman city

Archaeologists have used drone footage to reveal new details of an ancient Roman city in Italy.

The footage, captured by a team from the University of Southampton, shows the remains of the city of Pompeii, which was buried by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD. The footage has allowed archaeologists to create a detailed 3D model of the city, which is helping them to better understand how it was laid out and how its inhabitants lived.

The footage has also revealed new evidence of the impact of the eruption on the city.

The team has been able to identify the location of several buildings that were previously unknown, and they have also found evidence of the collapse of some of the city's walls. The footage is providing valuable new insights into the destruction of Pompeii and is helping archaeologists to piece together the events that led to the city's demise.


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